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MLSD IT Support



  • Computer Login

To log in to your district computer, use your network username (typically first initial + last name) and password.

  • Skyward

The tech department is unable to help with Skyward-related issues.

Please get in touch with the Learning Services Center at 509.766.2650.

  • Email Access

Your email address follows this format:
Check your email here: MLSD Mail Website.
Log in with your FULL email address and password.

  • Since 2015, we have deployed thousands of Chromebooks throughout the district for student and staff use to support our adoption of Google G Suite. Chromebooks are an excellent tool for students and staff to collaborate online and fully utilize our G Suite for Education platform. However, as with any tool, instructions and best practices must be followed.Please review the Chromebook/Cart Best Practices document.

  • If you require IT assistance, please get in touch with the IT Help Desk using one of the three methods listed below in order of preference:

    1. Help Desk - Open a helpdesk ticket by navigating to the MLSD Help Desk (Incident IQ) and logging in using the same username and password as your computer login.
    2. Email - Send an email from your district email account to
  • If you need tech equipment moved from one location to another (including within the same building, please open a ticket from our Help Desk, listing the current and new locations. Also, as a reminder, no personal tech equipment is allowed on the district network or computers except for the guest, staff, and student wireless networks. If you have specific questions regarding the tech equipment policy, please get in touch with Marlin Howell.