About Community Schools
Moses Lake School District believes that district facilities are a community resource and that all children and youth in the district shall have equal opportunity to access facilities through community organizations. Our facilities are available for community use when such use does not conflict with school operations and follows board policies. Gyms, cafeterias, fields, conference rooms, and libraries are all available for community use at nominal fees to cover costs. Fees are charged on a scale depending on the specific facility and the renter. The lowest fees are charged for nonprofit organizations sponsoring activities for children and youth.
All parties renting a facility are required to provide a Certificate of Liability Insurance that names Moses Lake School District (1620 South Pioneer Way) as “Certificate Holder” and “Additional Insured,” as well as a completed and signed application for the facility requested. Head Injury Compliance (youth sports only) forms are also required prior to using the facility.
After submitting your request, approvals may take 3–5 business days.
Our new email address is scheduling@mlsd161.org, or call us at (509) 793-7980.
Community Schools
1620 South Pioneer Way, Moses Lake, WA 98837
P (509) 793-7980
F (509) 793-7981
📄 Rules & Regulations for Use of School Facilities
📄 Rate Sheet
📆 Public Calendar

Three ways to submit a Flyer Distribution Request
- Drop off the flyer and completed form at the MLSD Learning Services Center (address below)
- Mail the completed form and original flyer to:
Request for Flyer Distribution
MLSD Learning Services Center
1620 S Pioneer Way
Moses Lake, WA 98837
Submission and Notification
You will receive a notice within one week of your request. The Learning Services Center notifies our schools of all flyers approved and declined for distribution.
- For electronic email flyers, please provide a PDF or high-resolution JPEG.
- We cannot translate your flyers, but we encourage you to provide flyers in both English and Spanish.
- We cannot accept Word docs or PowerPoint files.
- If your flyer does not include contact information, the email address provided on page 1 will be used for electronic flyer reply-to information.
Contact Bea Lucio at 509-766-2650 ext. 7712, blucio@mlsd161.org