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Strategic Plan

Profile of a Graduate

All Moses Lake School District graduates will Achieve, Believe, and Contribute. 

ACHIEVE success after graduation and be equipped with the skills of a lifelong learner who communicates and collaborates effectively.
BELIEVE in their ability to reach unlimited potential through grit, perseverance, and problem-solving.
CONTRIBUTE as active citizens in their community by caring for themselves and others while embracing diversity.



girl dreaming of graduation


Empowering every student to achieve, believe, and contribute as compassionate citizens


We are dedicated to ensuring the success and well-being of all.


We will ensure an emotionally and physically safe learning environment.



We will take collective responsibility for the success of our community.


We will treat everyone with respect and integrity while embracing differences.



We will lead and model lifelong learning through research-based, effective practices.


We will employ intentional and responsive practices in all settings.



We will care for every student as if they were our own; never giving up on anyone.


Our pillars are the building blocks of our work on behalf of our students. They define the capabilities we must develop continuously to nurture effective instruction and a mission-focused, empowering organizational infrastructure to realize our goals for student success. 


Equitable and data-driven access to rigorous, standards-aligned teaching and learning

A yellow column with a head on it.



Strong relationships and partnerships with students, family, and community

A graphic of four hands reaching in to hold each other.


Developing effective, caring, and culturally responsive staff and students

A group of people are having a meeting.


Leveraging resources and creating efficient, safe environments for learning and work

A blue icon of a gear with people around it.

Goals + Indicators of Success

  • [1A] Children in the community engage in early learning programs
    [1B] Early learners are ready for kindergarten
    [1C] Early learners meet or exceed grade-level standards in ELA and Math by the end of 2nd-grade

  • [2A]  Students feel their schools are safe, welcoming, and challenging
    [2B]  Students regularly attend school
    [2C]  Students participate in extracurricular activities

  • [3A] Rigorous instruction occurs in all educational settings
    [3B] Students participate in community experiences and civic activities
    [3C] Students use strategic tools and resources to analyze, reason, evaluate, communicate, and problem-solve to make decisions

  • [4A] Students meet social-emotional and behavioral expectations
    [4B] Students share their voices and actively engage within their school communities
    [4C] Students participate in their own academic process, progress, goal-setting, and personal development

  • [5A] High School & Beyond plans include mentor-ship, coursework, and experiences that align with post-secondary plans
    [5B] 9th & 10th grade students are on track for on-time graduation
    [5C] Students graduate from high school with the skills of lifelong learners

Specific and measurable goals are necessary to accomplish the long-lasting positive change our students deserve.

A circular graphic with six segments in shades of blue, teal, and purple.

Creation Process

  • Creation of the Strategic Plan
    The Strategic Plan is a document used to communicate Moses Lake School District's goals, the priorities needed to achieve those goals, and metrics used to measure progress on those goals. It includes both the academic and operational aspects of the school district.

    A diagram with four steps.


    Dr. Linda McKay, Assistant Superintendent | North Central ESD 171