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Maintenance, Warehouse, Custodial

The Maintenance Department is a dedicated team that works to keep all our facilities running and ready for use both during the day by students and after hours by various organizations, sports teams, and others.

Our grounds are essential to our community, and our grounds crew works tirelessly to keep our sports fields, and outdoor areas, and more safe and beautiful. We have a team of professionals that help keep everything running smoothly in all MLSD buildings, including HVAC, plumbing, paint, and more, helping to keep our buildings beautiful and in excellent working order


Submit a Facilities Work Order

Director of Maintenance
Rachel Shea


6731 22nd Ave NE


1338 West Ivy Ave Building B|


  • Looking to rent one of our facilities? See Community Schools


    Submit a Facilities Work Order


    Submit a ticket via button above. Choose “Tickets” (Technology) or “Facilities” (Maintenance) from the drop-down at the top right of the dashboard. 

    For staff who need a work order, please see your principal, manager/director, lead secretary, or day custodian to create one. 

    We ask that whomever the main requestor is includes the other necessary parties in their building (i.e., custodian includes principal & lead secretary or requesting teacher, Head Cook includes Food Services Director, etc.)

  • Herbicide/Pesticide Spray application notification: Please refer to the District Calendar for Spray Notices* as they become available.

    *Dates are subject to change due to unforeseen weather conditions.

    Annual pesticide records may be shared upon request.

  • Moses Lake School District has contracted with GovDeals, Inc., an online auction service, to assist with the disposal of surplus property. GovDeals provides this online service to governmental entities to assist in the sale of assets, equipment, and supplies.


    Auction Items Available