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Staff Information

Tech Staff Info and Assignments

The Moses Lake School District Technology Department is here to help.

Below are our staff assignments, staff photos, and a link to email them.

Please do not use these personnel links for Help Desk tickets. This is the link for Help Desk tickets. 

  • Gene Baxter (Interim Tech Director)


    Responsibilities: ERATE, State Technology Plans, Managing Technical Staff, Technology Integration into the Classroom, Help Desk Support, Strategic Planning & Project Management, WSIPC Cooperative Connectivity (Student/Fiscal)

    Phone: 1-509-766-2698 - x7499

    Direct dial: 1-509-793-7499


    Angie Cross

    Secretary, Purchasing, Help Desk Coordinator

    509-766-2698 - x7477

  • Gene Baxter (III)

    Domain Servers, Active Directory, WSUS, Google Workspace, 3rd Party Servers, VMs, Cloud Services, Cybersecurity, Network Infrastructure, Wireless, Firewall: ASA, Filter: iBoss, SolarWinds, Cabling, Access Control, Physical Security

    509-766-2698 - x7495


    David Bousson (II)

    Websites, Apple MDM (Mosyle, ARD), Filewave (Android, Windows), ParentSquare, Audio/Visual, Intercoms/Clocks, Vivi, Hotspots/Cell Phones

    509-766-2698 - x7488


    Maria Rodriguez (II)

    Network Printers, Inventory (staff device assignments), Google/App/Chrome Mgmt, Incident IQ, Other Apps (Destiny, some AD, papercut), Phones: TelCo/Cisco, Cameras - March/Exacqvision/Ubiquiti, Fax - ATA/Gateway

    509-766-2698 - x7474

  • Bryan Bjork

    509.766.2666 x7492

    CBTech, Columbia MS, Digital Learning, Garden Heights ES, Groff ES, LSC, Moses Lake HS, Open Doors, Summit, Vanguard

    Nathan LeGrand

    509.766.2698 x7491

    ECEAP, Endeavor MS, Food Services, Fronter MS (and Lions Field), Knolls Vista ES, Lakeview Terrace ES, Longview ES, Maintenance, Midway ES, New Warehouse, North ES, Park Orchard ES, Peninsula ES, Sage Point ES, Transportation

Tech Staff