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Special Services

Welcome to Special Services

Special Services and Health Services are both located at 

1620 S. Pioneer Way, Moses Lake, WA  98837 (Entrance closest to Horizon Bank)

P: 509.766.2670

F: 509.766.2689

Special Education

Samantha Burgess, Director

509.766.2670 x7599

Lindsey Scott, Assistant Director



Special Education Records 

Our Special Services department is comprised of two specific areas that support students: Special Education and Health Services. The focus of the department is to provide tools and resources for students with disabilities or health-related challenges to enhance their educational programs.

The department provides support and services to children ages 3-21 identified as having an educational disability. The Special Education department includes School Psychologists, Speech Therapists, Nurses, Physical Therapists, Occupational Therapists, Behavior Specialists, and Instructional Coaches.

We believe in a collaborative, team-based approach with open and honest communication. Our goal is to partner with families regarding the individual needs of children. Our District has a continuum of services to meet the needs of our diverse student population.



December 2023

November 2023

October 2023

Referral Form

Child Find (Birth to 21)

Child Find is a federal program to help determine if your child has a disability and help provide appropriate services.


Parents who suspect that their child (ages birth to 21 years) may have a disability or have concerns about their child's development should contact our Child Find program. Children can be evaluated to determine if they have a disability or developmental delay and are eligible for special education or Section 504 services. Referrals are accepted from any source within or outside the school district.


District professionals will screen all referrals to determine whether an evaluation is needed and provide an assessment report. The assessment report shall include the child's educational performance, including strengths and weaknesses, a summary of standardized test data, attendance information, and samples of classroom performance. Other information, such as medical, psychological, speech/language, OT/PT, audiological, developmental, vision, etc., should be obtained where appropriate and/or necessary.


The school district provides all of these assessments at no cost.