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Chromebook Agreement/Insurance

Chromebook Insurance

As part of Moses Lake School District's commitment to 21st Century Learning, a Chromebook (Google laptop) will be issued to your student for use at school and home. We are very excited to be able to make these powerful tools available to our students. We also understand that both students and parents are concerned about keeping these tools secure and in good working order.

Like textbooks, team uniforms, and other school property issued to your student, there is a responsibility to take appropriate care of these valuable resources. The Chromebook is no different, but it does represent an increased cost to the district and liability to students and parents. We know that loss and accidents will happen. District policies, regulations, and practices require a fee to cover the district property's repair or replacement cost. With computing devices, like Chromebooks, the cost of loss or damage can be significant.

The district provides Chromebook Insurance as a way for families to reduce the financial risk if a Chromebook is accidentally damaged, stolen, or vandalized. Working as a team we can lessen the impact of an accident or theft.



The insurance fee is $20 per student in grades 6-12.

Chromebook Insurance payments will be accepted online through Skyward and in person (school office). Online payments through Skyward are the preferred method.


Please fill out each student's Chromebook Agreement and Insurance Form linked below. The instructions for paying the insurance fee are also available below. Chromebook Agreement and Insurance Forms are available online only. The deadline for purchasing Chromebook Insurance is October 16th, 2023.

Moses Lake School District Chromebook User Agreement & Insurance for the 2023-2024 School Year

Google Form

Distrito Escolar de Moses Lake Acuerdo de usuario y Seguro para Chromebook 2023-2024 año escolar

Google Form


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