As we shift into the winter season, it's important to remember that weather may change suddenly, impacting road and driving conditions. As emergency weather days often come at the last minute, it is important to know the expectations for your position in the event of a closure or delay.
Leave Options – dependent on individual leave balances
Emergency Leave (deducts from Sick Leave balance)
Personal Leave
Accumulated flex/comp time (classified only)
Unpaid Leave (email to have unpaid leave entered in Red Rover)
Safety is ALWAYS the first priority!
Closure: Do NOT report to work if there is a school closure. Do NOT enter absence into Red Rover. Your work calendar will be adjusted, extending your work days at the end of the school year. CB Tech only will hold classes remotely when school is closed due to weather.
Late Arrival: Certificated staff 30 minutes prior to the scheduled arrival of students. Classified staff arrive at your regular start time if safe to do so. If you are unable to arrive at your regular start time, please enter your delayed start into Red Rover as "No Sub Needed," using appropriate leave or speak to your supervisor about using flex time.
Early Release: Certificated staff may leave after all students have left the building. Classified staff remain on site for your entire work schedule. If it is unsafe to do so, please enter your early leave into Red Rover as "No Sub Needed," using appropriate leave or speak to your supervisor about using flex time.
Closure: Please plan to arrive at work when it is safe to do so. If it is not safe to travel to work and you are pre-approved to work remotely, please be sure you are prepared to do so (i.e. have your District issued laptop at home). If it is not safe to travel to work and you are not able to work remotely (i.e. custodians, maintenance, etc), please enter your absence into Red Rover as "No Sub Needed," using appropriate leave.
Late Arrival: Arrive at your regular start time if safe to do so. If you are unable to arrive at your regular start time, please enter your delayed start into Red Rover as "No Sub Needed," using appropriate leave, OR adjust your schedule for the day to work your full scheduled hours for the day.
Early Release: All staff will work their regular schedules. If it is unsafe for you to remain on site for your entire work schedule, please enter your early leave into Red Rover as "No Sub Needed," using appropriate leave.