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NOVA – Salutations!

Novel Opportunities for Versatile Achievers
Serving Moses Lake students since 1978


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The NOVA (Highly Capable) Program




The NOVA Program provides services for advanced learners with a continuum of learning experiences that lead them to the development of advanced learning and thinking skills. Enrichment activities, modifications in instructional strategies, content, and the development of skills and/or products are part of the services that are provided. The program helps to develop self-actualized learners by encouraging effective communication, guiding learners to be focused and self-directed, nurturing intrapersonal and interpersonal skills, and focusing on independent research study skills, as well as developing critical and creative thinking and problem-solving skills.
The purpose of the NOVA program is to seek, identify, and provide advanced learners with experiences that will develop the potential of each individual. NOVA is designed to challenge identified students in order to fully develop their talents and abilities.

Cathy Lane
NOVA Teacher

Lori Boyd
Nova Teacher


Characteristics of Giftedness

About the NOVA Program

NOVA is taught by two highly qualified teachers. It is a one day per week pull-out program for students 3rd -5th grade who have been identified as Highly Capable according to state regulations. The students learn by creative exploration through project-centered curricula. They work with other students from across the district who also qualified to participate in the NOVA Program.
Students are transported by bus to Knolls Vista Elementary to participate in the program. They return to their “home” school at the end of the day.
A short homework assignment (thinking exercise) is sent home each week to establish a "NOVA to Home" connection. Families are encouraged to work together to complete the assignment and return it the following week. There may be times during the year when students will be expected to put in additional time outside the NOVA classroom to complete special projects.

About NOVA students

A NOVA student exhibits high capabilities in intellect and/or creativity. These students have the potential to excel in a specific academic field and may exhibit strong leadership qualities. NOVA students represent varying cultural and socioeconomic groups.


NOVA Students

How to refer a student for testing

Students who qualify for NOVA must demonstrate strong cognitive abilities, academic achievement, and exceptional creativity. Teachers, school support staff, family, or members of the community may refer a student for testing.
Testing referral and permission forms are available at all of the elementary schools. Students are screened in the spring utilizing multiple assessment tools.