Staff Accident Report
The ADA Accommodation Form is to be used for employees who have a disability that requires an accommodation in order for them to perform their essential job functions.
If you are in need of a new account code, please submit your request using this form.
The Classified Flex/Comp Report must be used for any classified employee earning and/or using flex or comp time in exchange for pay.
Complaint Form - Staff
Custodial Report Form This form provides an avenue for communicating any custodial concerns in the building with the Custodial Supervisor. The purpose of this form is to improve communication regarding custodial needs in the buildings, as well as staff development.
Classified Staff with an AA/AS or BA/BS from an accredited institution are eligible to request the PSE Educational Stipend. Complete this Educational Stipend Request Form and provide an official transcript that indicates the degree earned and the date it was conferred. Eligible staff will qualify for the stipend on the 1st of the month after Human Resources has received both the request form and official transcripts.
Leave of Absence Request
If you are completing professional development hours from a provider other than Moses Lake School District, please submit the Professional Development Alignment Form.
Use this form to notify Human Resources of your intent to resign/retire from Moses Lake School District
Use this Shared Leave Request Form to submit a request for shared leave
Use this Transportation Referral Form to notify Human Resources of an individual that you referred to apply as a bus driver for the Moses Lake School District.
Travel Request Form to be submitted for prior approval.